Joy McEwen manages Diggin’ Livin’ Farm & Apiaries, a homestead, organic farm, and commercial beekeeping operation. She holds two bachelor of science degrees, as well as a master of science in environmental science from Oregon State University. When she isn’t tending hives or farming, she works as an apitherapist with a practice in Southern Oregon, and makes a line of jun beverages called Honey Bee Brews. Joy is a committee member on the USDA Farm Service Agency board for Josephine and Jackson Counties, Oregon, and serves as a board member on the Illinois Valley Watershed Council, as well as a board member for the American Apitherapy Society.
Eric McEwen heads the beekeeping operation for Diggin’ Livin’ Farm & Apiaries. He holds a bachelor of science degree in botany and plant pathology from Oregon State University. He has spent the last 20 years experimenting with the development of organic management practices while tending approximately 700 honeybee colonies. A former mentor for the Oregon State University Master Beekeeper Program, Eric has served as the Southern Oregon Representative on the Oregon State Beekeepers Association administrative board. He is a member of the Adaptive Bee Breeders Alliance, a SARE-funded consortium of honey bee professionals and academics collaborating on stock improvement focused breeding efforts. He is the originator and manufacturer of Natural Nest beehives, an improved style of 8-frame Langstroth equipment for both organic and traditional beekeeping. Eric is also a trained botanist and naturalist who loves the wild side of the great outdoors.
Fern Waters McEwen loves to eat well, exercise daily, and have enough quiet time to read books and go on long walks in the woods. Fern is excited to give @digginlivinkids more attention, and she is willing to help with the social media aspect of Diggin’ Livin’. Fern says that she would like to teach beekeeping classes and offer massage therapy at the Diggs after she graduates college.
Clarysage “Sage” Mountain McEwen loves to make art and spend time with her cats. She recently knit her cats coats and she really loves to sew. Sage is also looking forward to making some videos for the Diggin’ Livin’ Kids YouTube channel, and showing folks what it’s like to grow up on a farm surrounded by wilderness.
Tulsi Joy McEwen wants to be some kind of mixture between a librarian, an author, an archer, a daily horseback rider, and a swordswoman when she grows up. Her passions include reading fiction books, playing with cats, and making mud fairy houses.
Diggin’ Livin’ is the McEwens’ farm in Takilma, Oregon, located on the pristine Illinois River, where the McEwens manufacture their woodenware and teach beekeeping and apitherapy. Joy and Eric live there with their three daughters - Fern Waters, Clarysage Mountain, and Tulsi Joy - and their 6 goats, 25 chickens, 10 ducks, 3 dogs, 3 cats, and hundreds of thousands of honey bees.
© Diggn' Livin' Farm & Apiaries, LLC